Nothing is ‘Black and White’ in the planning process!


To address the multitude of challenges faced by new development and the potential resulting impacts, the planning system has grown increasingly complex. Satisfying policy requirements is often a nuanced exercise involving interpretation, negotiation and a balanced planning judgement.

In 2020, the client approached WWA for planning advice for the redevelopment of redundant agricultural land and buildings that had been previously used for a commercial chicken farm. Considering the site’s complex planning history (9 planning applications refused/withdrawn and 1 Appeal dismissed), it was conceived that any new commercial development in this semi-rural location would have ‘in-principle’ planning objections and would likely be refused. A legal opinion from a KC also confirmed the same. However, in considering the site’s existing condition, there was a strong planning argument that if permission were not forthcoming for future development, the site would remain an eyesore for the foreseeable future.

  • Hideaway Farm – Before 1
  • Hideaway Farm – Before 2
  • Hideaway Farm – Aerial view
  • Hideaway Farm – Pedestrian view

WWA considered that the significant planning benefits (including much-needed rural employment floorspace, highway improvement, biodiversity net gain and landscape improvements) were important material planning considerations overriding the general presumptions against the resistance of new development in this semi-rural location.

After months of negotiations with the Officers, WWA successfully secured an outline planning permission (all matters reserved except access) for the erection of seven rural business units for light industry (Class E(g) (iii)) with 38 parking spaces and associated landscaping. WWA is currently working on the submission of a Reserved Matter Application and discharging all pre-commencement conditions. The landscape-led design approach for the proposed development will significantly enhance the character and appearance of the area while positively addressing the economic, social and environmental objectives of sustainability.

Our experienced Planning and Design Team can take your project through the system. Offering expert advice and providing you with a clear and well-laid-out approach to champion your cause.

For further information please contact us on 01235 523 139

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