
The UK has a wealth of unique historic heritage assets the conservation of which requires the kind of specialist skill and expertise upon which our team of architects and planners pride themselves.

Heritage locations provide an insight to the ethos and culture of the generations that first built and then adapted them and they often come with significant cultural and historic relevance.

Our first step when considering the future use of any historic asset is first to examine its past. How has a building or site developed over the years from its original purpose or intent and how might this shape it use?

From Conservation Area assessments to the restoration of Grade I and Grade II listed buildings, historic garden reinstatement or consolidation and repair of Scheduled Ancient Monuments, our team assists clients in conserving the heritage of buildings and sites while also finding new, viable and sustainable uses which will ensure their preservation for generations to come.

Winterbourne Medieval Barns

Heritage Services

  • Heritage Reports
  • Condition Surveys
  • Conservation Area Consent
  • Statements of Significance
  • Listed Building Consent
  • Quinquennial Inspections
  • Schedules of Maintenance & Repair
  • Heritage Lottery Fund applications
  • Restoration Design
  • Change of Use Applications

Our Projects

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