CDM / Principal Designer
The issues of safety associated with construction has become an increasingly prominent part of the process and at WWA we place the safety and wellbeing of all parties involved in a project at the heart of our process.
Our team understands the obligations inherent in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and as CDM Principal Designer we have a qualified team who guide clients through the maze of health and safety issues associated with construction.
This service is also offered to other designers, consultants and contractors carrying out projects independently of the practice.
Upon completion of your project, you will receive a manual explaining the systems, methods and materials of construction with ‘as built’ drawings to be used as a resource for future repair or alterations works.
CDM / Principal Designer Services
- Design Stage Health and Safety Advice
- Pre-Construction H&S Information
- Risk Assessments
- Construction Phase H&S Management
- Compilation of Client H&S Manual
- Statutory Notifications
- Contractor and Client H&S Liaison