Trees play an important role in both peoples’ health and wellbeing and in enhancing the aesthetic characteristics of a location.
The importance of ensuring appropriate provision of trees within a development is enshrined within the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which places a duty on Local Authorities to include appropriate provisions for the preservation and planting of trees when granting planning permission.
Beyond the statutory requirement, our expert team understands that carefully considered application of trees within a project can add significant value.
We offer a full range of arboriculture consultancy services, ensuring that trees make a positive contribution to any new development.

Arboriculture Consultancy Services
- Preparation of Tree Constraints Plans
- Arboriculture Impact Assessment
- Arboriculture Method Statements
- Tree Retention/Removal Plans
- Tree Protection Plans
- Arboriculture Site Monitoring, Watching Briefs/Supervision
- Conservation Area Notifications and TPO Applications
- Arboriculture Surveys in Accordance with BS.5837:2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction – Recommendations