Woodstock Masterplan

On behalf of Vanbrugh Unit Trust and Pye Homes, WWA prepared and submitted a hybrid planning application for up to 1500 new homes, a care village, a primary school and a new football club facility for Old Woodstock Town.

The southwestern corner of the Woodstock masterplan development site, closest to Woodstock, was designed in detail. We acted as a lead consultant, providing planning, masterplanning, urban design, architectural, heritage and environmental impact assessment services for the client. The masterplan was designed to respond to the important heritage and surrounding context of Woodstock, including key features on-site such as the scheduled Roman Villa, historic hedgerows and historic common land.

The detailed design element has been designed to successfully respect the setting of the nearby Blenheim Park.

The Woodstock Masterplan was presented to local Councillors, interest groups and the wider community through various public engagement events, culminating in a two-day exhibition in Woodstock.  Comments from these exhibitions were integrated into the final masterplan design.

Woodstock Masterplan (1)
Woodstock Masterplan (2)