Highlands Nursery Submitted for Planning


We are delighted to announce that Highlands Nursery in Ripley for PA Housing has been submitted for planning. The proposal is for a small-scale affordable housing development providing 25 100% affordable homes ranging from one-bed apartments to three-bed houses delivering much-needed housing for local people on a Rural Exception Site basis. The development will be highly sustainable through the use of renewable technology and the provision of electric vehicle charging points.

The team has worked closely with the Rural and Community-Led Housing Enabler to establish the housing needs and held consultation events with the Parish Council and Local Neighbours during the design process. The site has been designed around a central public green space featuring a play area and a pond to provide recreation and a good outlook for residents. The houses have generous gardens, and the existing trees within the site boundaries will be retained with additional planting, creating a biodiverse development. Fingers crossed for approval!

Highlands Nursery 3D Render

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