Reframing Retirement: Thought Leadership Seminar
In association with Housing LIN, we are pleased to be hosting a HAPPI Hour session titled “Re-framing Retirement: Taking a Broad Sector Look at Integrated Retirement Communities (IRCs).
Save the date (24/05/2022 3:30pm till 5:15pm) – Details of the session and how to book can be found on the Housing LIN website.

For those who have not heard of them before, The Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) is a sophisticated network bringing together housing, health, and social care professionals in England, Wales, and Scotland to exemplify innovative housing solutions for an ageing population.
Integrated Retirement Communities (a term recently coined by ARCO) offer older people the opportunity to live independently in their own homes as part of a wider community. Lifestyle, wellbeing, and care services are available to support people’s independence and aspirations.
The session will begin with an intro from Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive, HousingLIN and Mark Slater, West Waddy Archadia. Further experts speaking on the subject include Nick Rees, Property Development Manager for Housing 21 and Simon Maggs, Strategic Commissioning Lead at Hampshire CC.
Find out more about our research-led vision for the future of retirement community design from our expert team, including Ifti Maniar (Planning Director), Johnathan Headland (Urban Design Director), Ewan Green (Passivhaus Associate) and Kathryn Gundry (Design Associate).
We look forward to seeing you there!